Day 21 – Following Deep Creek

Woke and packed up early. Was one of the first ones out, which means I got passed a lot today by this bubble of hikers. The tortise wins the race, right?

The tentative goal today was to make the hot springs at 307.9. That is a 22 mile day.

Really good scenery here, which my photos will not do justice. The first few miles followed Holcomb creek.

Then up and over a couple ridges

Finally down to the head waters of Deep Creek.

Deep Creek

Had some lunch at a primitive campsite.   It had a typically uninformative map of the place. 

Yes I am…..but this map isn’t helping

Lots of blow downs on the trail. Quit a few are dead from previous fires.

Someone needs to pack a chainsaw

Got to a huge foot bridge over deep creek at mile 298.5. Had some lunch with a bunch of folks who were swimming, relaxing. That is Fun Dip waving from the bridge.

Fun Dip
Lounging at the Beach

When I crossed the bridge I saw this.

Let me get back to you on that

According to the paper on tied to the tree, the guy planned to propose to his GF on Saturday (tomorrow). Hope nobody rearranges the message.

The trail followed Deep Creek from here. around 300, there was another big ass snake laying on the trail. I stopped and poked him until he got off the trail to the left, but the damn thing got himself boxed in a shear wall 6 inches from the foot path. To the right was a shear drop. A trapped animal is dangerous so I was trying to coax him out when Fire Ranger comes bounding down the trail and tries to pass me, almost stepping on the snake.  I’m yelling “Snake!!!!” and he almost jumps down the drop, scares the shit out of the snake and me. Good news is the snake ran off and everyone survived.  Man….

Video of Deep Creek Section

Really interesting hike along the canyon walls following the creek. Since we are not supposed to camp at the hot springs and it was getting late, I called it about mile 306 and setup with some german and french folks in a flat spot next to a big tributary. the running water. Washed the socks, feet and did a little rock hopping.

Almost pitched the tent on top of a yellow jacket nest (they live in the ground). I’m sure that if I started driving stakes there, it would have been a cloud of pain. That was a close one.

Fireball cowboy camped right next to me. He was using a liquid fuel stove, which always freaks me out a little. Fortunately no explosions, just a lot of flame and soot. We had a good chat and sacked out.

Did a 20 today. This time my left ankle is bothering me. It is getting worked by the concave trail (the ridge was on the left side for most of the hike).  I believe my condition is “anklus hurtitus a lot-us” Popping some extra ibuprofen for tonight.

Hot springs on the agenda for tomorrow morning!

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