Day 86 – Ho Hum (August 7 1726-1753)

Last night it thundered, it flashed, and it rained twice…for about 10 minutes.   What a disappointment.    When I got out of my tent it was already dry.    Come on Oregon.  

I hit the trail a little before Soho and the Twig.  

Hmm, those look like Lava Rocks

Briefly ran into a few Lava rocks, but they fortunately disappeared.   I know that it is supposed to denser North of here.   I keep thinking about Hat Creek Rim and how badly that thing sucked.   

One thing that didn’t suck was that about 3 miles up the trail I ran into a pit toilet next to another trail head.   It was glorious.   Clean, fresh TP, some hand sanitizer for the day hikers.   Only bummer was that the splash-back danger from the soupy poo water at the bottom. 


Off to the trail for a day of walking.   I’m still in a funk.   I spent the morning analyzing it.   The original goal of hitting mile 2000 on August 19th no longer matters.   It bums me out since we were crushing miles to get there and were on track to beat that goal.   Now the Northward progress is going to end around 1770.   That is it.   I’ll be no closer to Canada this year.

Passed a couple of these

Almost stepped on this

Stupid Snake


Saw a bunch of meadows

Got reminded of who I am

That’s Me

And had lunch at a horse corral near a park.

Soho and I sat down for an hour break.   Twigsy sat separate from us and was studying his paper maps.   We had found out earlier that Captain Ramen was about 1 hour ahead of us.   Twig was hoping to find him somewhere on this stretch.   Since we are heading South soon, I knew what he was thinking.

Sure enough, about 15 minutes into the break, Twigsy jumps up, fist bumps us, and says goodbye.    He is going to tear ass up the trail to find his buddy.    That is how it often goes on the trail.    We hiked together for several weeks and now I’ll probably never see him again.   Good luck Twig.

That just added to my depression for the day.   I packed up and shuffled off around 1:30.   

Sorry, I’m only going to 1770
Hiker Graffiti
Green Tunnel

Only positive for today was that somebody came through with a chainsaw and cut through all these trees that had fallen on the trail.

Blowdown Forest

My funk continued as I reached our stopping point at 1753.   There is a spring near here to get water.   Some section hiker guy with his dog was already setup.   He talks to his dog constantly.   I’m just not into the weirdness right now.   I wish his stupid dog would dig a hole for them both to fall into.

Soho showed up shortly after me and we squished in next to the weird guy.   Later a south bounder showed up and cowboy camped with us.   He rated 7 on the douchebag scale.    That dog needs to dig a bigger hole.    The southie talked about all the smoke up north and how awesome he is.   He is going to finish by late October.    Whatever.  

I talked as little as possible and went to bed.  27 depressing miles today. 


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