7/21 Miles Alternate Route (about 10 miles) – 2147


I bounced out of the tent at 6 this morning was on the trail before 7. I was pretty charged up this morning because this was going to be a very scenic part of the trail as I followed Eagle Creek down to the Columbia.

Here is the evidence.

Falls Just Below the Campsite


After a couple miles, Pancakes and her dog caught up with me just in time for the highlight of this stretch. There is this big water fall feeding inth Eagle and the park service has blown a tunnel into the rock behind it to pass through.

Tunnel Passage

I took a video of the passing through and she took one of me. Here they are:

Pancakes and Super Tramp

Salty J making his passage

As I walked Through

Following that transit, I took off ahead of Pancakes. Didn’t see much of her for the rest of the day, but I did have plenty of company. Dozens and dozens of day hikers coming up the trail. I’m so glad this was Wednesday. I bet this place is a mad house on the weekends.

Cool Pool

Popping out of the trail, I followed the road down, then hit a stetchy looking Gorge Trail which dropped me on the old highway route which has been converted into a walking area. It follows the river up to the Cascade Locks and the Bridge of the Gods which winds up the Oregon segment of the trail.

Hike Me

There is a small state park campsite next to the river on the land that used to be occupied by the folks who ran the old locks before the dam was built. The good people of Oregon let the PCTer camp on the lawn next to the administration building.

I’ve spent most of the day cleaning up and provisioning for the next leg. This is going to be a long one of about 150 miles. I expect I’ll be in the woods for 6 or 7 days, so I’m going to be carrying a pretty heavy pack. Next stop, the Kracker Barrel general store at 2295.

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