The important thing about today is real Breakfast.

We hit the pickup point at 9am. Unfortunately was sat there for an hour waiting for a ride. First car going the right direction had a gal in it crying her eyes out. Soho saw it and pulled his thumb in. Don’t wanna get into that.
While we are waiting around, Soho’s buddy Twigsy shows up. They were hiking together for several hundred miles in the desert. Now he has gone through the high Sierra and caught up with us. Really cool guy.
Anyway, after a while some guy in a beat up toyota pulls up. Twigsy, Soho, some other hiker, and me all jump in the bed for a roller coaster ride down the hill. The guy driving says not to lean much against the tailgate. Uhh…ok. We managed to survive the trip.
I was chatting with another couple later and they said they too got a ride from a toyota that was pulling an open trailer. They rode in the trailer. Now that sounds scary.
While in town we hit a cafe for a couple hours worth of feeding on various breakfast and lunch items. We are setup in a hostile for the night. It is a nice dig. Spent most of the day doing laundry, drinking beer and updating this blog. Bunch of hikers rotating in and out. Nice to catch up with everyone.
Getting late and the crew is about to bed down.