Woke up to this

Packed and began the hike down. It was mostly green tunnel stuff. Here is a sample
It is actually good hiking, but doesn’t stand out in the pictures. There was another small climb ahead then a stream called bucks creek. Stopped there for the afternoon and relaxed until 2:00.
Some day hikers came by as well as a few south bounders. One of them I recognize from KM. We caught up a bit. He bounced to Ashland and is heading South. Groups are split up all over the place.
Another southbounder was this guy

Soho met him near Campo in April. He has been bouncing around doing bits of the trail as they clear. His wife follows him in a trailer to support. He was whining about the blow downs and having to get down to scout them out and/or cut off branches. He seems well fed, so I’m not sure I have much sympathy. Anyway, we had a good chat and he took off.
We hiked up to Clear Creek springs which is at a swampy spot at 6600 feet. That was camp for the night. I made us a little fire to keep the bugs away. Pretty easy to light…just grab some pine needs and sticks, and add a lighter.
Later that night after turning in, the Israeli kids turned up. They had diverted to Quincy to get all you can eat pizza. They had been talking about it for days, so they hitched in, ate a bunch, hitched out, now here they are. The unspent energy of youth…..
Did 16 today. We will need to pick up the pace soon. And do it without the Pizza buffets