Last night Bottom was talking about the no-camping boundary in the San Bernadino’s that started around Mile 238. So most of us are making a goal of hiking to the boundary today, camping, then hitting the high country.
I headed out early with Bottom who promptly left me behind. The snowy bit in this picture below is were we are heading over the next 2 days.

Since I was out early, several fast hikers passed me on the way up. Here is Guo (?) a hiker from Taiwan passing me.

Today I was passed by a German, a dude from Taiwan, Tree from China, Sophia from France, a Swiss couple, and a couple Americans. There were some other smelly fellows from who-knows-where as well. I’m like 3rd string on the Olympics team out here 🙂

The good news is that the trail crosses Mission Creek a dozen times and the water is flowing good. On hindsight, I probably should have reduced my water carry.
Each time the trail crossed the Creek, the terrain got green and marshy. In one of those marshy spots the trail seem to split. I couldn’t figure out which one to take and all the foliage prevented a GPS fix. So I guessed…wrong. Walked 10 minutes around in the marsh until the trail turned to nothing. Standing in 3 inches of soggy whatever I managed to finally get a fix on the trail which was 30 feet away up 10 foot shear sandy wall. Got a few scratches climbing that one.
Early afternoon I caught up with most of the folks ahead of me finishing lunch at another stream crossing. They took off and I chilled for a while. Tree and Sophia showed up as I was packing so it was my turn to leave someone behind.

Hit the San Bernadino boundary shortly after.

Thought this picture was important. Some kind of super Yucca that folks were talking about in camp that night.

Made camp at mile 238.6. The whole crew was here. The camp site was for 2 maybe 3 tents, but all 8 of us crowded in. Then the fun began.
First was Guo cowboy camping when the forecast said rain was coming. He was laying in his sleeping bag and Bottom starts giving him shit about getting wet soon. Turns out that Sunshine has some kind of mega tarp tent with some extra room, so he moved under the big-top. Funny, a guy who speaks little English moves in with a gal who speaks little to anyone.
Next was a dude that Bottom, Dan and I have talked to but never got his name. He is a little snooty. Said he was going to study for his Phd in Cambridge after the hike…we just call him Phd. Anyway, Phd thought it too windy and crowded, so he sets up next to the creek in an obvious flood area…and a storm is coming in. He must have heard us laughing about it, because an hour later his tarp shows up practically on top of me.
Today was a 21 miler. I’m rocking.