Thought I should create a couple updates before I start the PCT around the prep.
At work, I have been transitioning teams and responsibilities over to various folks. This is been going on directly or indirectly since I decided, and convinced Alice to let me, do this hike at the end of 2014. I feel our Knowledge Advance cloud product is finally getting over the hump and reaching maturity. So I can take off with a clear conscience.
On the home front, we made a few decisions. We will put our house up for rent in April. Alice and I will move in with her parents for a month or so, after which she will stay/roam around with her sisters and cousins on various trips while I head into the wilderness. Our lives are going through a mid-life cleansing 🙂 She is an amazing partner.
It is getting pretty busy here at the soon-to-be-rented Baum household. I generated a short list of things to fix around the house then Alice turned it into a long list. Put in some new gutters a couple weeks ago, replaced drywall over the infamous kitchen crack with plywood and patched. Working on the patio now.

Meanwhile Alice got us a storage place and we are boxing up stuff. The last 2 weeks has been going through file cabinets and shredding all the financial crap we have been saving for the last 20 years. Every time I open a cabinet to pack, I find another 20 pounds of “important papers”. Last week I completely filled a 75 gallon garbage can with shredded paper. It is amazing how complex modern life can be.
Buying a house, paper. Need car insurance? More paper. How about some property insurance? Here is a 70 page document describing….I have no idea….seems like mostly reasons why they won’t pay a claim. Old Tax returns, bank statements, proxy votes, vehicle emission tests, car warranties, recall notices, and on and on and on.
A special treat was re-skimming through a couple of investments that went into bankruptcy/reorg. What an amazing pile of paper that was. Page after page of sentences beginning with “WHEREAS” and a few “NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED”. They could have summarized it on a post card…..40 cents on the dollar per bond.
WHEREAS there is a pile of paper sitting on the floor, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that it will be placed into the shredder.
If I was going to hang around longer, I’d probably try to compost this stuff and get some real use out of it.

Was a big online party when the PCTA opened up their PCT application page on their website at 10:30am on Tuesday. By 10:35 it was unresponsive and by 11:30, all the good dates had been snapped up. There was panic on the /r/PacificCrestTrail subreddit and the PCT facebook page. 2,000 applications by days end from what I read. I managed to get my preferred date, so put that in your pipe and smoke it.

I have been exchanging $$ for pounds off my pack weight. New zpacks bag, lighter thermarest pad, some cuben fiber stuff sacks, and a few other knick knacks. Dropped base pack weight down from 30.5 lbs to 23. That worked out to $94.66 per pound. I could lose 2 more by switching to a ULA pack, but I think Alice is reaching her limit.

Bought a bunch of freeze dried food and trail mix which got distributed into 8 resupply boxes. Packing about 10,000 calories each. I figure I’ll sort out where to ship them while on the trail.