Today Anthony, Storm, and I packed up and headed into town together. Bryan spent a little extra time in camp doing that coffee thing and caught up with us there. It was a small climb into the tree line, then a nice shady alpine trail . About 6 miles to the café. The place has been taken over by a French couple so there were some oddities on the menu. I ordered some weird thing: An egg on a hamburger patty a slice of tomato on a sour dough bread and covered in Holandish sauce. Side of tater tots. Yum.
I’m getting some hotspots on my feet. The one that has me worried is a big hot spot on the ball of my foot. If that turns into a blister my hike will become 2x more painful. I would like to keep hiking with these guys, but my feet need a rest. I decided to get a room at Mt Laguna for the night.
Sat around with the guys in front of the store for a while then they pulled out. Waited another hour until the room was available, then bought a big can of beer, a frozen pizza, ate it all and crashed for a few hours. Washed my clothes and myself. Later I got up ate at the café, then right back to sleep. I was pretty beat-up and began to have a few doubts about this whole thing.